Cure your adult acne

Cure your adult acne

Adult acne is a problem that affects thousands of people around the world. It is a major beauty problem that causes a lot of pain and distress, both physical and otherwise. Acne results from the accumulation of dirt and dead cells in the pores of the skin.

Dirt and oil, along with dead skin cells, collect in the pores or hair follicles and form small blackheads, which become whiteheads and pustules when inflamed, and eventually turn into pimples. Severe acne can be very painful as it completely reddens the skin, causes severe itching, cracking and scarring.

The exact causes of adult acne have not yet been identified, but stress, unhealthy lifestyle, use of the wrong cosmetic products, hormonal imbalance, etc. have been associated with adult acne. Approximately 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women are reported to have adult acne. Many over-the-counter medications are available to treat acne.

They usually contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, etc. which sometimes cure acne but often have serious side effects. These include excessive dryness of the skin, cracking, itching, scarring, etc. I have also associated salicylic acid with other serious disorders such as hearing and memory problems,. Here are 5 natural treatments for adult acne that can cure acne with no harmful side effects.

1. Fruits and vegetables can cure adult acne. Shop around your refrigerator for these readily available natural acne remedies. Applying lemon cubes to acne affected areas does wonders to rid the skin of acne. Apply lemon juice on the affected area and let the skin absorb it for 15 minutes, then wash it off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Tomato and cucumber juice can also apply to acne to reduce symptoms. These juices absorb excess oil from the skin and leave it hydrated and drier. They also tighten pores and reduce the possibility of future acne. The citric acid in lemons and tomatoes is excellent for drying out pustules and reducing whiteheads.

2. Proper hydration is the key to clear skin. Toxins, bacteria and other harmful substances accumulate in the pores and cause harmful fungal infection. It also caused adult acne in the same way. Drinking plenty of fluids and water throughout the day helps cleanse the body from the inside out of all the excess toxins and impurities.

This keeps the body’s circulation active and helps the skin avoid build-up. Drinking at least 6 liters of water a day helps toxins leave the body. Exercise is also a good way to clear the pores of the skin. When we sweat, many of the toxins and germs that have accumulated in the pores leave the body.

Therefore, exercise not only helps the body but also the skin. Good nutrition is also an important step in the treatment of acne. Eating healthy foods such as fruits, green vegetables,. and reducing cholesterol and oil intake will help reduce acne symptoms and oil accumulation that cause adult acne.

3. There are many face masks and packs that can be made naturally at home that give excellent results on acne affected skin. Most of these masks are extremely simple and the ingredients used are readily available.

The first of them is to mix baking soda and water and apply it on the face. The mask will absorb oil and dirt from the pores and clarify the skin. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash it off. Another great mask for adult acne is the honey and apple mask.

It requires 4 tablespoons full of honey and a grated apple, crushed and mixed, then applied to the affected area. This mask not only clears acne but also tones the skin and visibly reduces the accumulation of oil that causes acne.

Before using any of these masks, it is important to cleanse the face thoroughly. Use a clear or foamy cleanser that has deep pore cleansing properties. Cleansing is the first step to acne-free skin. Then apply these simple masks and follow a moisturizing routine to keep skin soft. Clay masks and sea salt masks are also great for treating adult acne.

4. Massaging with oil is a great way to stimulate skin circulation. Oil helps moisturize the skin and massaging acne-affected skin with specific oils helps reduce acne and clear the skin. Coconut oil is good for softening the skin.

If you are using heavy acne medications that have left scabs and scars on your face and left your skin dry, massaging your face with honey and coconut oil will do you good. Tea tree oil is a great substance to fight adult acne. It has unique anti-acne properties and is often used in herbal anti-acne medications.

Bacteria are one of the major causes of acne, and tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties. Using tea tree oil in its proper amount and diluted as a massage oil is extremely helpful in clearing adult acne. It moisturizes the skin, draws out impurities and fights acne-causing bacteria and fungi.

If you can’t get a massage, opt for herbal acne medications that contain tea tree oil as one of their key ingredients. Massages also improve blood circulation and help rid the body of impurities and dirt.

If you suffer from acne, you have probably already searched the Internet for possible solutions to this stressful problem. Both on the Internet and on the market you can find various methods to get rid of acne and pimples, including potions and lotions. However, these types of products are expensive and do not guarantee 100% treatment of this skin condition.  

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5. Proper diet is extremely important in clearing acne. What you eat affects the condition of your skin. If you have adult acne and nothing else is working, try eating the right things. Try to eat more lean protein rather than simple carbohydrates, as the former helps prevent breakouts.

Consuming probiotics also helps reduce acne. Probiotics or acidophilus improve the digestive system, which can be beneficial for healthier skin. Herbal teas are extremely helpful for the liver, which, if inflamed, can cause severe acne breakouts. Drinking tea made from red clover, dandelion, burdock root, thistle, etc. can soothe the liver and keep inflammation at bay.

By following these simple tips, you can fight adult acne with no harmful side effects and you will have naturally beautiful and glowing skin.


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