How modern living is fueling a rise in adult acne


 How modern living is fueling a rise in adult acne

There are several unusual issues that modern living has introduced into our lives. It could be the food we eat and the unwanted stress of time and managing many aspects of life that are fueling the increase in adult acne.

Acne knows no age or gender barrier. Whether you are a toddler, teenager, or adult, you can develop acne. However, adult acne rarely has symptoms during adolescence and can appear in your 30s or 40s. In addition, it is common for acne to appear on the face rather than the body, which is a rare phenomenon.

Studies show that over 25% of the male population and over 50% of the female population suffer from adult acne. It is also said that over one-third of this affected adult population suffers from body acne.

Let’s look at the common factors that trigger acne in our daily lives, and prevention and treatment methods.

How does acne start?

When hair follicles become clogged with dead skin or excess oil, acne forms. Normally, it is the clogging of dead skin cells that is a common reason for adult acne. These accumulated dead cells develop bacteria on all sides of the pores, which cause acne.

We connect the sebaceous glands to the hair follicles and secrete sebum for the skin and hair. When too much sebum is produced by these glands and combines with dead skin cells, bacteria can grow and swell the follicle wall and produce whiteheads, blackheads or any other form of acne.

The different acne

The different acne are acne vulgaris, whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, acne rosacea, etc. Other severe forms of adult acne are acne conglobata, gram-negative folliculitis, pyoderma faciale and acne fulminas.

What causes adult acne?

Various factors contribute to the development of acne at different ages and in different people. The causes differ from person to person. It can be hormones, the stress of modern life, cosmetics filled with various chemicals, humidity, or even a poor diet. Premenstrual breakouts are the most prevalent in women with adult acne.

We estimate that acne affects over 14% of women between the ages of 26 and 44 each year. Studies reveal that the psychological stress of modern life has taken its toll on them and is the primary cause of the body’s decreased ability to heal. This makes treating acne a little more difficult.

How does stress cause adult acne?

The modern lifestyle has created several situations where stress, known or unknown, is constantly present in the lives of those who do not know how to balance all the activities and responsibilities. Studies show that stress decreases the body’s immunity by up to 40% and that stress-induced acne is more persistent than other causes.

When you are stressed, your adrenal glands are activated, flooding your blood with cortisol. This causes the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum than normal, which mixes with dead skin and clogs pores, causing this skin condition. Keeping a close eye on the appearance of acne after a period of stress can help you identify it.

Does a poor diet cause acne?

Poor diet can be a major factor in acne outbreaks. Often, external treatment of acne with various creams, soaps and lotions is of no use. Therefore, pay special attention to your diet, which could be the cause. Changing your diet by cutting out certain elements and switching to a healthy eating plan would certainly help in treating adult acne.

Breakouts that occur on the surface of the skin show that the blood is very acidic. This can result from excessive consumption of fatty foods, meat, sweets, caffeine, white flour, colas and other carbonated drinks. This happens to today’s busy people, who avoid meals and instead opt for coffees and other soft drinks to fill their stomachs and cope with their daily schedules.

Excess sugar and chocolate also contribute to worsening skin blemishes. This western-style diet, such as processed and canned foods, contributes to excessive insulin production, which leads to excessive secretion of androgenic hormones that are directly linked to acne. Cow’s milk is one of the main triggers of acne.

Can exercise also cause acne?

Modern science reveals that exercise can contribute to adult acne. This is because of the sweat produced during exercise, which can create an ideal atmosphere for bacteria to grow. This doesn’t mean you should stop exercising altogether.

The problem starts when you don’t wash your sweat and let it dry for long periods of time after a workout. Exercise causes a rapid release of sweat and sebum oil, which clogs pores and causes adult acne. This can be avoided by cleansing the face after a few minutes of exercise.

Prevention and treatment of adult acne

We must do an individual treatment of adult acne or any other form of acne. The cause differs from person to person and each cause requires a unique approach to treatment depending on its severity.

Common treatments for acne include over-the-counter medications, prescribed topical medications, oral medications, antibiotics, simple home remedies, laser treatments and sometimes even surgery.

There are various preventative measures you can take depending on your body. These may include correcting your diet, checking your cosmetics and avoiding certain chemicals, washing your skin frequently and protecting yourself from weather that affects you, relieving stress and balancing your activities, etc.

If you suffer from acne, you have probably already searched the Internet for possible solutions to this stressful problem. Both on the Internet and on the market you can find various methods to get rid of acne and pimples, including potions and lotions. However, these types of products are expensive and do not guarantee 100% treatment of this skin condition.  

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The most important step in treating any type of acne is to consult a dermatologist, who will help you identify the cause of your acne and suggest the right method to treat and prevent it. Self-medication can have adverse effects, sometimes irreversible, so it is best to avoid it.

Although adult acne is very similar to teenage acne, the causes may be different. Learning to cope with the modern lifestyle by avoiding certain foods and chemicals, exercising and meditating regularly, relieving your stress and taking care of your skin regularly naturally will certainly keep you away from acne problems.


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