How to Use Affirmations Like a Motivational Guru

How to Use Affirmations Like a Motivational Guru

Affirmations may seem like new-age mumbo jumbo to cynical entrepreneurs. Many people used to have a similar belief about meditation, but now, millions of people have realized that meditation has a plethora of benefits.

Similarly, one cannot deny that repeating affirmations daily has helped scores of people around the world to fix their self-esteem issues, correct negative thinking and achieve a mind that is success-oriented.

Motivational gurus keeps espousing the power and efficacy of affirmations. Yet, as with all things, this too must be taken with a pinch of salt.

* Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it

Initially, it may seem strange standing in front of the mirror and repeating affirmations to yourself. But don’t give up on the practice yet. Keep at it for 3 weeks and see how it makes you feel. Within 21 days, feel a difference. Most people do.

* Your affirmations must…

RESONATE with you! This is the key part of making affirmations work. Instead of just repeating affirmations that others have written, write one for yourself.

Keep it brief and use the present tense. For example, if you’re planning to quit your day job and start your own consulting business, you can repeat an affirmation such as, “I am making 25k a month with my successful consulting business!”

Now this is an affirmation that will stir your emotion and light a fire inside you. However, if you merely repeat an affirmation given to you by a motivational guru such as, “I am worthy of good things”, your mind will conflict with the affirmations.

Worthy… You? Really? What are the good things? A vasectomy?

The affirmation holds no meaning to you and it’s pointless to repeat affirmations just for the sake of it.

* How do you practice affirmations?

All you need to do is stand in front of the mirror and repeat the affirmations for 3 to 5 minutes. While a mirror is not a requirement, it helps to keep you focused. You can even high five yourself in the mirror when you’re done.

The 3-5 minutes is not a hard and fast rule. You only need to repeat the affirmations for as long as it takes to make you feel better. Sometimes when you’re feeling down, repeating an affirmation 3 times might be more than enough to elevate your mood and pick you up.

There’s no need to repeat affirmations ad nauseam. You’re not doing Wiccan chants.

Keep your affirmations dynamic, short, and specific. Focus on your breathing while repeating the affirmations. Always try to say your affirmations out loud. There is immense power in the spoken word. And hearing yourself repeatedly sears the words into your subconscious mind.

Make sure you ‘feel’ the affirmations when you say them. This is very similar to visualization when trying to make the law of attraction work. You need feelings and emotions behind the action. If not, you’ll just be an automaton going through the motions.

Neither the visualization nor the affirmations will work. Feel them working in you and through you.

* Action still is king

All that said and done, always remember this–affirmations, visualization and other strategies that help make you feel better, are only one part of the equation–and not a enormous part.

Ultimately, like Pablo Picasso said, “Action is the foundational key to all success.”

You could dispense with all affirmations and take massive action… and you’ll still see amazing results. Make no mistake about that.

However, using affirmations will give you an edge and help to lift your spirits up and increase your faith and belief in yourself. It will correct negative thinking and eliminate self-doubt. This can be priceless and help to speed up your progress.

Finally...A Real Entrepreneur Who Is Sharing His Own Exact Blueprint On How To Generate A Monthly Recurring Income Online

>> Create Your Passion Into a Business <<

So, combine affirmations with visualization and take massive action to make your dreams a reality. If you persist, success will be yours.

“An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change.” - Louise L. Hay.

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