Struggling to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You? Read This!


Struggling to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You? Read This!

Back in 2006, when ‘The Secret’ was released, the law of attraction received a breath of new life. Suddenly, this age-old concept of visualizing what you want and having the faith to make it a reality became new again.

Millions of people began visualizing daily and saying affirmations repeatedly. While the law did work for many - with the masses, it failed. The main reason for this was because The Secret romanticized the entire concept and made it look like visualization was all one needed to do.

In reality, the law of attraction is like an equation…

Attraction = Attract + Action

The Secret failed to mention that massive action was required to help you get what you wanted. Visualization was just half of it. The other half was working.

Like they say, faith without works is dead.

If you’ve been trying to get the law of attraction to work and it has been failing you, the points below may help you figure out why…

* Commitment

Commitment to your goal is crucial. Even if it’s taking a while to materialize, you need to stay the course. Doubting yourself will negate the power of your visualization. People with unwavering faith will still encounter self-doubt occasionally.

The best way to stay faithful is to take action. If your goal is to make 250k a month with your own business, visualizing it alone will not cut it. You must walk in faith and not by sight.

What does that mean?

It means doing whatever you need to in order to achieve your goal. It will mean starting the business, learning sales, creating products to sell and all the other necessary activities that will help you get what you want.

The law of attraction will give you the positivity to keep going and attract people and situations into your life to assist you. But first, we must commit you enough to act.

* Consistency

Consistency is one cornerstone of success. You must be consistent with your visualization, journaling, etc. You’ll also need to consistently take action.

If your goal is to become a bestselling author, besides just visualizing your book on the bestsellers list, you’ll also need to write. Consistency may mean writing 1000 words a day, every single day.

Without consistency, your results will be sporadic and elusive. With consistency, your efforts will snowball and you’ll be unstoppable.

* Clarity

Knowing what you want is crucial to making the law of attraction work. For example, if your desire in life is to be a successful businessperson, it might require you to move to New York or somewhere that’s thriving with business opportunities.

You might have to leave the comfort of your small town and venture into the big city. However, if you enjoy being where you are and don’t wish to move, then your progress will be impeded because your desires are conflicting.

Know what you want and be willing to make the changes.

Finally...A Real Entrepreneur Who Is Sharing His Own Exact Blueprint On How To Generate A Monthly Recurring Income Online

>> Create Your Passion Into a Business <<

* Vision board

Seeing board where you attach photos, images, quotes, etc. which keeps you focused on your desires/goals will help. When these goals are at the forefront of your mind, you’ll constantly be taking actions that are in congruence with what you want.

Want to lose weight?

Pin a photo of a fitness model or someone whose body you’d like to model on your vision board. When you see it often, you’ll be less likely to gorge on unhealthy foods that detract you from your goal.

The pointers in this article may seem simple, but yet, people don’t practice them. Visualization and faith are good, but to transform your life, you must act and work.

The law of attraction is a means to an end and not an end. Use it as a tool to strengthen your resolve and shape your mindset… and do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. The universe will do the rest.

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