Understanding Procrastination and Overcoming It


Understanding Procrastination and Overcoming It

Abraham Lincoln said it best - “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

That pretty much sums it up. No matter how much you procrastinate, you’ll NOT be making things easier for yourself. What needs to be done, MUST be done.

If you’re an entrepreneur who wishes to build a successful business, there will be a plethora of tasks ranging from the mundane to the challenging. You’ll have to get them done.

Procrastinating the tasks that are important will only delay your success and reduce the time available for you to get the job done. So it’s best to get it over and done with.

* Why do we procrastinate?

You may notice that we often procrastinate the most important tasks. If you’re a writer, sitting down to write may be the most arduous task of the day. You may rearrange your folders, do research, create story lines, etc.

You’ll do everything EXCEPT write.

The same applies to most people in the creative arts or those who are running a business and have tons of important work.

We procrastinate because our minds view these tasks as ‘painful’. So our minds conjure up excuses and we find other activities to do.

The illusion of being busy fools us into thinking that we’re doing important work. We’re not. Important work is important work–and it’s the one we’re shirking.

* Do what matters first

The best way to overcome procrastination will be to complete the tasks you’re dreading FIRST. Get them done and out of the way. The moment you do that, you’ll feel like a load is off your shoulders.

You’ll then have a sense of accomplishment and will breeze through the rest of the tasks. This is definitely better than doing the easier tasks and when you’re tired, you still have the important ones you’re dreading to get through.

Procrastination will make you tell yourself that you’ll do it tomorrow, and this insidious cycle will repeat itself.

* Get comfortable being uncomfortable

The best way to convince yourself to get the job done will be to come to terms with the fact that the task is not pleasant. But you’re an entrepreneur, right?

This is par for the course. You need to get the job done. Don’t think too much about it and follow the Nike slogan–JUST DO IT.

You have a choice in the matter here. No one is forcing you to do anything. Once you realize you choose to do the hard work instead of being forced to do it, you’ll get comfortable being uncomfortable.

With time, you’ll get better at being self-disciplined.

* Give yourself 5 minutes

No matter how much you dread a task, make a promise to yourself that you’ll just do it for 5 minutes. If you’re not in the mood after that, you can stop.

Very often, the biggest hurdle is getting started. Once you actually begin working on the task, you’ll become absorbed in it and the time will fly… and you’ll complete it efficiently.

Giving yourself that 5 minutes will prevent your mind from being overwhelmed. It’s a simple trick that works. Anybody can do something for 5 minutes. So, you’ll start… and after that, you’ll keep going.

If you’re really not in the mood for it, then stop. Come back to it later and try again for another 5 minutes and see how it goes. It’s a powerful technique to get you used to doing what you’re dreading and avoid procrastination.

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* It doesn’t really get easier

With time, you’ll procrastinate less because your self-discipline has increased. However, as you take on more challenging goals, your tasks will be more formidable. This is to be expected.

You may once again occasionally encounter situations where your mind tells you to procrastinate. But you’re wiser now… and know what’s at stake.

Apply the 5-minute technique and do what you have to. If you ever procrastinate on one day, make sure you get the job done the next day. NEVER procrastinate 2 days in a row.

It’s very easy to slip into a state of inertia where you lose the mood to do any work and your business spirals downwards. Procrastination is the thief of time. Don’t let it steal your time and dreams. Send it packing every single day.

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