Magnetic Messaging Review - How well does it work?

Magnetic Messaging Review - How well does it work?

Did you text her, and she was colder than Siberia?

Did she leave you wondering what the hell you did wrong? I mean, she gave you her number. What was the problem?

Well, I’ve had that problem a few times.

At first, I thought the girls were just playing with me. However, I never understood what kind of twisted pleasure they could get from doing that.

Of course, I would back out after one or two attempts. But it was always with a bitter aftertaste. So I got up the courage to share it with a friend...

He looked at my texts and looked at me in shock.

However, he didn’t make fun of me. He explained that texting is kind of new thing. In reality, our parents never really texted to fall in love.

What did he suggest to me?

You guessed it! And that’s why I’m writing this review of Magnetic Messaging. This amazing guide is the best approach to texting out there. I have yet to hear a relationship expert address texting to flirt.

Wine and dinner weren’t a thing until someone discovered it works. Flowers? Who would have thought a shot could charm her? However, these things have proven to work.

Well, here I have found the best guide to the seduction tool of this century.

About Magnetic Messaging

Magnetic Messaging is quite a popular program.

At first glance, this program may look like too much information and many extras. But, how can you go wrong with :

Text message templates

Video tutorials

An online community

And many more ways to continually improve your game!

Basically, the system shares successful texting strategies and creates a space for new strategies to emerge. When you finish the program, you’ll need to be more discreet with your phone. You’ll get her to do whatever you want.

How to get her emotional interest.

Steer the conversation in the direction you want.

Make her feel safe and comfortable texting you.

Ultimately, this is the key to using texting to get her attention or keep her. It’s a good thing you get to choose.

How does it work?

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The primary guide is the key lock sequence.

The authors, Rob Judge and Bobby Rio, walk us through the crucial first moments after she gives you her number. You’ll learn when to text her, what to text her, and how to respond.

In the first step, everything is clearly defined. Most of these conversations are predictable. So with this template explained, your introduction will go smoothly.

Next, you’ll learn how to steer the conversation.

A man has to take control and has to be quick. How can you know what you will get if you don’t know what you want? Well, here you will find out how to do it.

Finally, you will get what you want.

Going on a date? Does she come over and is she ready to rock? You choose! Yes, it’s that simple. With the right words and timing, women can open up, too. You just have to play your cards right.

Here you’ll learn how.

The Authors: Bobby Rio and Rob Judge

Bobby and Rob created this unique texting system.

The primary goal is that you leave nothing to chance. Some of us suck at texting, but are great at dating. Others may be the opposite or suck at both.

Either way, Bobby Rio and Rob Judge have you covered.

Bobby Rio is a relationship expert and the founder of TSB magazine. Rob Judge is also knowledgeable about dating, but he brings the explanation part to the table. He is an exceptional journalist and makes everything extremely easy to understand.

According to Rob and Bobby, they have partnered together to help any ordinary man.

This program works for everyone!

Whether you want to date her or just spend the night, this texting guide is the key to getting her attention. Or, if you’re already in a relationship, you can put the heat back on.

In fact, these guys have cracked the texting code. Now they’re showing us how to use it to our advantage.

The program

Here is the breakdown of the three steps of the “Key Lock” sequence.

Tell him your intentions and create a bond.

Here you will learn the best openings and create “a thing” between you.

This then translates into complicity, and you have created a bond.

Trigger an emotional investment.

Now you will learn how to get him/her emotionally involved in the conversation.

Choose the right time, the right wording, and the overall message.

Have you ever seen a girl smile like crazy on her phone? You will be the cause.

Close the deal!

Once she’s interested, you need a good closing that will trigger action.

The program helps you create a need for validation.

Bobby Rio and Rod Judge have created a perfect way to make her want your validation.

Eventually, she’ll fall in love with you.

But wait, there’s more...

Don’t leave a trail

After purchasing the program, you will receive useful bonuses such as

The Infatuation Formula video training

Want her to really fall in love with you?

Well, here is a step-by-step formula to make it happen.

Use it with care!

eBook 99 best texts of all time

Think and act fast with these templates.

Don’t miss any opportunity.

Know what to say in any situation.

30 days free access to the popular Magnetic Mastermind Kit.

Learn from examples and video analysis.

Master how to handle objections.

Fast tracks and shortcuts.

The positive points of the Magnetic Messaging

The program is very easy to follow.

It is comprehensive and covers all aspects of texting and flirting.

Experts created it.

It comes with money-back guarantee.

In all honesty, Bobby Rio and Rob Judge have created something with great examples. It covers all scenarios. So, you learn the basics of texting to get the girl. All with real-life examples, different social situations, with step-by-step instructions.

For me, I have a hard time remembering the instructions. So, it wasn’t easy and there were some embarrassing moments. However, with perseverance, I finally figured it out!

Part of the success is that it covers everything you need to know.

They train females to pay attention to every detail and read the dangers. It’s their survival instinct. However, some of us don’t realize that we can trigger this reaction. Here you will realize this analysis and avoid triggering unwanted feelings.

Magnetic Messaging looks at everything: the application you use, the timestamps, everything! And don’t forget the bonuses!

These guys have your back!

How is Magnetic Messaging different?

If you’re here, chances are you’ve read other texting advice books.

Personally, I don’t discredit them, but their methods struck me as pretty cold. They almost seemed like a protocol. Like, how to behave at a gala dinner or something.

Again, all of that is helpful, but I needed more.

For me, the differentiator was that Bobby and Rob were experts at this. They know how to close a deal and have many examples to back it up. You can even find some of their other materials online.

Really, these geniuses are everywhere!

Negatives of Magnetic Messaging

The program may not be suitable for everyone

You need to have some level of confidence before you start.

Decide what approach you will take. Sex? Dating?

The program is only available digitally

The program does not have a physical option available for purchase.

You must have an electronic device to access it.

Where can you buy Magnetic Messaging?

Magnetic Messaging is available on the official website.

Final word

People think social skills are natural for everyone. However, there have always been people who had to make an extra effort. I am one of those people.

At first, I was a little ashamed to “have” to read these books.

However, there are thousands of programs to help people learn to socialize. It’s a struggle that has been around for ages. But what about love? Again, another ancient struggle.

But today, there are more elements, including texting!

People study everything that happens in online relationships. However, there is very little to say about how to have a successful relationship in the digital age.

Well, here is everything you need to know, in one place. Get started!

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Honest money-back guarantee

Don’t worry. If you don’t like the program, you can always get your money back.

Experts created the program

Rob and Bob are very knowledgeable dating consultants. In fact, they are among the best in the world. You are in expert hands.

The system is complete and extensive

There are no loose ends. And every topic covered here is fully covered and detailed.

The program is very easy to follow

It’s not rocket science. Unlock your phone and start practicing from day one.


It requires an initial level of confidence

If you are a bit on the shy side, it will take longer to help you.

It is digital only.

You need an electronic device to access it.


Magnetic Messaging is an excellent program that turns your texts into seduction power.

This program took advantage of technology to make her go crazy for you.

A duo of experts has developed this program. Their goal is to help you achieve your dating goals: have more sex, go out more often, and even get a girlfriend.

This is a great guide to improving your game.

Get her attention, her imagination, and make her yours.

>> Get Instant Access Now <<

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